What Is The Difference Between Java Developer And Java Programmer?

GilbertoHoppe9215384 2025.01.03 11:34 조회 수 : 2

Here I am sharing Some difference between web developer and application developer as follows:

Web Developer:

Develops a website or web applications.

The programming languages used are HTML, CSS, Javascript, etc.

Web applications need to be hosted via the internet or internet.

In web development, an application is developed to be compatible across browsers.

The average salary for a Web Developer is $76,298 per year in the United States.

Application Developer:

Develops any kind of software.

Applications developed could be client or client-server based.

The programming languages used are C++, Java, Python, etc.

Developed software may or may not require to be hosted.

In software development, an application is developed to be compatible across different OS/platforms.

The average salary for a Software Engineer is $107,909 per year in the United States.

Jayden Wix ∙

Lvl 3
∙ 3y ago

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