Culture is a strong part of people lives. It influences their views, values, humor, hopes, loyalties, worries and fears. A person who grew up in India, will probably see the world very differently than someone who grew up in U.S. or Canada or Australia, but both people know what it is like to wake up in the morning and look forward to the adventures of the day. We are all human beings, love deeply, want to learn, have hopes and dreams and have experienced pain and fear. For example it is possible to acquire a new culture by moving to a new country or region by a change in our economic status etc.
Diversity is a term that refers to an inclusive community of people with varied human characteristic, ideas and world views, and whose interactions both benefit and
challenge each other to grow while making the community better. In a nutshell cultural diversity means a range of different societies or people of different origins, religion and tradition all living and interacting together
Baby boom generation and improved health care facilities are contributing to the rise of U.S. workforce. Americans are generally like to laugh and enjoy with people who have a sense of humor. Jokes are usually welcome. The U.S. culture stresses individual initiative and achievement. They are competitive in both work and leisure. Americans seriously consider the concept of "time is money". Money is a master for many Americans. Americans think analytically, concepts are abstracted quickly and the universal rule is preferred. Experts are relied upon at all levels and they establish rules for almost everything
Multiculturalism is the principle characteristic of Canadian society. Tolerance calmness and reasonableness are behavior valued by most of the Canadians. Canadian culture require individual to keep physical and electronic record of all dealings and transactions with any counter parts. Canada is the first country in the world to adopt a multiculturalism policy. Canada diversity is being recognized as an asset in both domestic and international areas. They dislike wasting time.
Australia is regarded as one of the most successful nation in building a tolerant, inclusive and
Telugu market expert culturally diverse society and it is proud to be a multicultural nation. Its multicultural policy rests on three principles.
Right to cultural identityValues of social justiceInterest in economic efficiency.English is the Australian language. Linguistic diversity is regarded as an important cultural asset. Australians are usually distrustful of authority and of people who think that they are somehow better than others. Modesty, casualness are characteristic attitudes of Australian culture. Ethnocentrism tends to be strong. The work environment tends to be collaborative.
Established rules or laws usually take precedence over one's feelings. Finally Australian people would stress upon more on profit than any other objective.
The following table shows the ranking of the nations with most culturally and diverse work force. Australia and Canada are among them, which offers Permanent Residency programs to aspirants. It is time we all experience and explore the diverse cultures and societies to help us grow as human beings and develop a multi cultural personality.
SOURCE: DIVERSITY 2011 RANKING FORBES INSIGHTSStudent Visa Consultants, Investor Visa, Canada Business Immigration, Immigration Consultants In Hyderabad,Canada Immigration, Australia Immigration, Registered Immigration Consultancy, Permanent Resident Visa , Authorized Immigration Consultants offered by Akkam.